Monday, December 6, 2010

Where Brandon Stands

Education - He believes every child deserves an education, and in doing so learns as much as they can. He supports the NCLB act to ensure that shcools are teaching as well as they should.

Healthcare - Universal healthcare is something he is against. He believes that while other countrys may have this and are doing fine, a switch from were we are now would be a disaster.

Abortion -  Brandon is pro-life, he believe that every child has the right to be born. Just because a mother doesn't want a child, it doesn't mean she should be able to abort it.

Gun control - He believs that gun control should stay as is, and not any stricter. Everyone who isn't a criminal should have the right to own a gun.

Death Penalty - He believes that the death penalty is appropriate in extreme cases.

Gay Marriage - He strongly believe in no gay marriage. It should be between a man and a woman and not any other way.

Social security - He believes social security is something we should fade out. Not enough people see the benifit of it to make it worth everyone's money.

Unemployment - He believes that the govetrment shouldn't just hand out jobs, but should intstead make more benefits for companies that stay in the US.