Monday, December 6, 2010

Where Brandon Stands

Education - He believes every child deserves an education, and in doing so learns as much as they can. He supports the NCLB act to ensure that shcools are teaching as well as they should.

Healthcare - Universal healthcare is something he is against. He believes that while other countrys may have this and are doing fine, a switch from were we are now would be a disaster.

Abortion -  Brandon is pro-life, he believe that every child has the right to be born. Just because a mother doesn't want a child, it doesn't mean she should be able to abort it.

Gun control - He believs that gun control should stay as is, and not any stricter. Everyone who isn't a criminal should have the right to own a gun.

Death Penalty - He believes that the death penalty is appropriate in extreme cases.

Gay Marriage - He strongly believe in no gay marriage. It should be between a man and a woman and not any other way.

Social security - He believes social security is something we should fade out. Not enough people see the benifit of it to make it worth everyone's money.

Unemployment - He believes that the govetrment shouldn't just hand out jobs, but should intstead make more benefits for companies that stay in the US.


  1. A few things Mr. Wessels,

    1. Do you support all of NCLB or just portions? If so, what portions do you support?

    2. Gun control - how do you determine who is a criminal? If they are a felon or what? What about domestic issues. If you remember back a woman was killed by her estranged husband. He was not supposed to have a weapon, however, he failed to turn it in and in turn shot her with it.

    3. Death penalty - what are you defining as extreme cases?

    4. Unemployment - what benefits are we talking about? What about companies that are employing people in other countries? Do you reward those who employ Americans? If so, how?

  2. 1. He supports the standardized testing protion. He believes that funding based on these tests will provide better education

    2. A criminal that shouldn't be aloud guns is convicted people with crimes associated with an act of violence.

    3. Intentional murder would be when the death penalty should be used.

    4. The benefits would be extra rewards for companies that employ Americans with money bonuses.

  3. Mr. Wessesls,

    1. Is there a problem with standarized testing though? There are numerous students who don't take those test "seriously". Is standarized testing the best/only option to assess student success?

    2. Are they just crimes against other humans or are animals included as well?

    3. For "intentional" murder are you talking about premeditated murder or is "murder in the moment" included under "intentional"

    4. What benefits would that include? Where would we get the money to give those companies those benefits?

  4. 1. Standardized testing isn't perfect but there isn't any better way to judge students all over the country. Sure there are students who don't take it seriously, but it isn't only going to be in specific places, all over some students aren't going to try so taking the average scores accross the country and comparing them works out.

    2. Crimes against animals will also be considered because it shows that the person has built up anger and once they harm animals, they are more likely to harm people, so they shouldn't be alould guns.

    3. Premeditated murder

    4. Money based on the amount of jobs they keep in America. The money would come from taxing companies that hire froeign companies.

  5. How much will taxing those foregin companies be? Sometimes the taxes aren't really that much and the companies still take their business overseas.

  6. That will be based on the amount of jobs that are taken away from Americans

  7. But how would/could you mathematically figure that out. The people would want to know a number not just a phrase...

  8. We would tax the companies with 30% of their workforce in other countries 3% of their gross income.

  9. So you would impose a 30% tax on the companies?

  10. No, if 30% percent of their workforce is out of the US, then we tax 3% of the companies income
